The IRS, not exactly a place that gets a lot of fan mail. But why not? They're just doing their jobs right? So when I decided to do a little "random act of kindness" I thought what would be more random than sending a thank you note to the IRS. After all it's the random part that's important right? The more random the better. So I dressed Mark up in the new purple shirt I had just bought him and we went to one of those photo booths in the mall. We took pictures making the funniest faces possible and then wrote a little note on the back: "Thank you for everything you do! Luv, Mark and Kristin." We then mailed it to the Internal Revenue Service. I'm sure it brightened someone's day. Mark likes to imagine that it's pinned up in somebody's cubicle making them laugh.
These aren't the actual photos but they
were similar (minus the kissing).
Hah! Good idea. You can never send too many thank you notes!